When God asks us to do things -- He truly does provide for them. Example # 1 -- These ladies. Meet Kailey and Christina. They are two lovely young woman who are seeking the Lord's leading and very literally following Him with fearlessness (...maybe a little tummy turning nervous feeling). Both of these ladies have dedicated their time to the Adventure Education Center and the Diocese of San Juan for the next 3 months.
Kailey is a long time volunteer with BBOH and FUMSIL. She has interned for us in various capacities over the years. This woman drips with love, especially for kids. A very beautiful soul. She is a nursing student in her last semester of undergrad. I consider it a small miracle that she is even able to be here, smack dab in the last semester of her studies. But, all of her professors agreed and even encouraged her. (example #2 of God providing for His work). Christina is also a very beautiful soul whose deepest desire is to bring people to Christ. Like literally. I'm not just saying that. Her relationship with Jesus is real and tangible. She is as on fire as they come and a dedicated prayer warrior. We have no doubts that she will be a wonderful fit for the Adventure Education Center, keeping the spiritual formation of the kids very close to her heart. We met Christina in October when she was volunteering with the Sisters of Charity in Las Matas. The simple fact that she is here, ready and willing to participate in this next adventure is example # 3 of God's hand over this entire project. Adam and I want to ask you -- our support team -- for a special favor. Please, please please keep these two young women in your prayers with the same fevor and spirit that you pray for us. We pray that the Holy Spirit continues to lighten their load, dry their tears and bring true joy while they walk a unique path of service living WITH and alongside students who are very much in need and not always easy to love. As we work out the details with the Diocese we will keep everyone updated. For now, Adam and I are taking responsibilty for the paperwork and errands that must be done here in San Juan for the school to operate. We are also committing to going up one day a week and staying on site with Kailey and Christina. As always, thank you for your support of BBOH, FUMSIL and this crazy missionary life. We couldn't do it without you! <3. Next blog: Updates about our group from St. Catherine Academy in Wixom, MI. It is a group of 39 people who are here RIGHT NOW. Thanks to an amazing leadership team we are able to provide 4 different work sites each day. Thanks in advance for covering us in prayer!
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AuthorWe are Catholic lay missionaries serving along the border of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Join the Support Team today!
August 2024
Serving the Border | BLOG |